• dating agency foreigner    相關企業商業資訊
    1. 皇冠造型 DATE Hair Salon

      DATE Hair 皇冠造型,創立於2005年,面積有80坪,19張美髮椅,5張沖水椅,員工有18位,著重於品質及教育,每年從國未引進最新的美髮技術提供給員工來提升本職學能,更能創造更好收入,客戶也得到更好的服務,也希望有志一同...

      電話:02-25178787    地址:台北市中山區南京東路二段165號2樓
    2. 偉碩租賃有限公司

      ...cy with more than 15 years of experience in referring exclusive houses for foreign expatriates in the Greater Taipei area including TianMu, Yang Ming Shan, BeiTou, NeiHu, DaZhi and downtown Taipei. Tailored to meet our clients’ needs, Yesir Reality offers more than 3,500 houses ranging from furnis...

      電話:02-85097711    地址:台北市中山區樂群二路198號3樓
    3. 立赫企業股份有限公司

      ...rket-Provide our retailer with products for wholesale and for rent. 2. For Foreign Market-Spread our products through our agencies worldwide market. There are also colorful catalogues available.

      電話:03-3594297    地址:桃園縣龜山鄉萬壽路二段412號4樓
    4. JP STUDIO

      event agency & marketing

      電話:02-09165773    地址:台北市松山區
    5. 莎酈絲美語

      是一所專業美語補習班(國小到成人美語)教學活潑This is a cram school.We need foreign teachers, co-teachers and part time workers.Welcome to join us.

      電話:03-4031099    地址:桃園縣平鎮市南京路125巷43號

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